Minnesota-Made Polka and Old-Time, 24-7!

by markjohnson on May 8, 2014

Welcome to Pioneer 90.1’s new PolkaCast!

With the help of longtime hosts Ron & Elsie Shereck and Cathy Erickson, we’ve established a tradition of bringing you the best of old-time, polka, and classic country from all across the state of Minnesota.

Now, when The Barndance and Cathy’s Variety Show go off the air, the goodtime music doesn’t stop!

If you are a polka or old-time musician, send us your CD to be played on the PolkaCast.

And if you’d like to host a show, please give us a call at 218-683-8588 or email ksrq@northlandcollege.edu!

Listen 24-7 here online, look for the Pioneer PolkaCast on TuneIn Radio, and check back for updates on our soon-to-be-released app for your mobile device!

The Pioneer PolkaCast is made possible by the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.


  1. Ernie Gieseke — November 16, 2013 @ 11:09 am


    What a great Idea.

    We will be listening!

  2. Tom Kramer — July 21, 2014 @ 2:42 pm

    I’m loving your PolkaCast on the web. It’s really gotten me hooked on polka! Nice happy upbeat tunes.

  3. Ray — December 27, 2014 @ 11:14 am

    I heard a nice old fashioned waltz on your radio broadcast. I happen to play this tune but don’t know the name. You played it on 2014-12-27 at 10:38 AM. Can you help me? I enjoy your station immensely. You play a lot of tunes, polkas and waltzes I grew up with.
    Ray in Otrawa

  4. wayne goralski — December 3, 2015 @ 4:16 pm

    I listen to you from Monticello Indiana, 900 miles away. You guys come in loud & clear on the net. I love the music from your great station. 17000 stations to choose from and I will be sticking with you. Thank you and keep up the good work !!!

  5. Ted Stasiuk — January 3, 2016 @ 1:01 pm

    Ted Stasiuk -Jan. 3,2016 @12:15p.m. I listen to you from morden,manitoba across the border.You play great music like I grew up with. I also listen to Cathy Erickson. She comes to Morden to play at our Corn& Apple Festival every August. Your choice of music is excellent. Thanks. Ted in Morden

  6. JEFF KATCHMAZENSKI — January 14, 2016 @ 7:06 pm

    I have always loved Polka music your raqio comes in loud and clear here in Norteast of Brail and of Carmen Miranda. God keep you going strong. reference Georgiana of the Catholic church in Gilman, MN. Thanks much!

  7. JERRY PAWLAK — February 16, 2016 @ 11:03 am

    I was grew up in Wisconsin and I’ve been living here down Georgia since 1985 . I live 60 miles south of Atlanta,Georgia and you all come in loud and strong .I pick you up 24/7 on my computer and also on my T.V. ..I really enjoy all your music and I want to THANK YOU ALL for all the GOOD WORK you all are doing . THANK YOU ALL AGAIN. JERRY in the PEACH STATE of GEORGIA, U.S.A.

  8. Joseph Magnan — May 6, 2022 @ 1:24 am

    I grew up in central Minnesota but now live in Montana.
    In Minnesota, we had a dairy farm with 160 Holstein Cows.
    In the winter we would keep all the cows in the barn all night due to the cold weather of course.
    We had an old tube type car radio set up in the barn with speakers strung through out the barn.
    We always had polka music playing on that old radio.

    Well, if that radio quit playing for some reason or other, the milk production would decrease by
    10 to 20 percent !
    We attributed this to the cows, if not listening to that polka music, would hear other sounds coming in from outside the barn, especially dogs barking.
    This would put them on edge, uneasy and uncomfortable, causing them to not produce a lot of milk !!

    Needless to say, Montana does not have any old time or Polka music radio stations.
    So, I really enjoy listening to you wonderful programs.
    Thank You

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