NWMAC Weekly Segment Featuring Mara Hannel and Trey Everett 07/01/14

by GlenBraget on July 9, 2014

Trey Everett

Ron West visits with Mara Hannel, Executive Director of the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council (NWMAC), discusses the new fiscal year for the NWMAC, and the first grant application deadline and the process to apply for funding through the NWMAC. Mara also gives details on two activities, funded by the NWMAC, the NWMAC “Art Gallery and Gift Shop” in downtown East Grand Forks, MN and upcoming workshops conducted by Crookston, MN resident Trey Everett called “Healing through Art.”

The NWMAC has also kicked off their “Mini-Art Exhibit”, with stops in Hallock, Thief River Falls, Fosston, Roseau and Warren, Minnesota.


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