Minnesota Homebrew Radio Show – August 8, 2013

by GlenBraget on October 1, 2013


Host, Carl Unbehaun, presents a cavalcade of songs by Minnesota songwriters along with his musical musings! Larry Suess is up first with “The Folks Back Home” and we get a visit from singer-songwriter, Jon Tweet!

Hour One Playlist

Larry Suess- The Folks Back Home
John Kimball- Find Some Gold
Barb Ryman- Catch the Sunset
Jim Cadwell- Back of the Store
Jeff Goodson- Chameleon Tea
Carl Unbehaun- That Moment
Alison Scott- Upside Down
Opposable Thumbs- Down on the Farm
Tony Wentersdorf- Even If It’s Only In My Dreams
Andrew Spreck- Shoe
Stuart Davis- Sugar Bullets
Nate Ness- Lady In the Sky

Hour Two Playlist

Corey Koehler- Change the World
Ericksons- Six Feet Underground
Lonnie Knight- Homecoming
John Lyell & Leslee McKee- Sunny Day
Paul Westerberg- Boring Enormous
Old Vern- The Curse
Carl Unbehaun- Seize Insult in the Key of A
Bill Piekerski- My Dog Hates You
Bob Muscovitz- There In the Harbor
Nate Ness- The Fire
Jonathan Edwards- My Love Will Keep
Corvets- You Don’t Want Me


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