Minnesota Homebrew Music Show – May 16, 2013

by GlenBraget on October 1, 2013


Host, Carl Unbehaun, presents a cavalcade of songs by Minnesota songwriters along with his musical musings! “Day Job” by Jim Bohn leads off this evening with “That’s Why I’m Walking” by Ty Otis on deck!

Hour One Playlist

Jim Bohn- Day Job
Ty Otis- That’s Why I’m Walking
Katy Vernon- Better For You
Dustin Lee- I’m Holding On
Bob Dylan- Belle Isle
Bob Muscovitz- Minnesota Take Me Back
David Stoddard- Good Fences
John Lyell and Leslee Mckee- Sunny Day
Carl Unbehaun- Easy to Smile
Shaun Daniel- In Summer When We Were Free
Lisa Briones – Happiness as Always
Corey Koehler- Change the World
Breakaway- Mystery
Ben Hoganson- You’ll Never Be Alone

Hour Two Playlist

Tim Cheesebrow- Avalon
Opposable Thumbs- Sailor Steve
Nigel Egg- You Can’t Sing the Blues With An English Accent
Mary Bue- West is the West
Brady Perl- Oh To Be a Shooting Star
Adam Hammer- So You Do
Dave Coffel- No Substitute for You
Shayanne- I Need You Forever
Carl Unbehaun- Hear the Sonic Boom
Larry Seuss- Shed My Skin
Aaron Tank- All We Have
Soft Light- A Simple Love


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