Minnesota HomeBrew Music Show June 5, 2014

by GlenBraget on June 16, 2014


Host, Carl Unbehaun, presents a cavalcade of songs by Minnesota songwriters along with his musical musings! It’s the first Thursday of the month, so we’re playing songs written by members of the Minnesota Association of Songwriters. Under the tutelage of Wayne Hamilton, this organization has grown to over 100 members and offers a plethora of services including performance venues, songwriting workshops, and song review meeting which you may attend VIRTUALLY. Enjoy the show!

1st Hour

Pappy’s Pithy Phrases – Wayne Hamilton
The Truth of You & Me – Nigel Egg
I Recall – Barbara English
Stick to the Lies – Red Johnson
I Never Loved You – Jim Bohn
I Think It’s Beautiful – Amy & Adams
Road of Some Day – Brad Dunse
Spring – Ruby Nordby
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee – John Bennett
Back of the Store – Jim Cadwell
Fever That Yearns – Roland Trenary
Crossing Bridges – Deb Barrett
Shadow of the Day – Richard Schletty
Jamie’s Dream – Tim Hildebrandt
Slowly, Slowly – Jeff Goodson
Who and What- Carl Unbehaun & Don Karsky
I Need a Kiss – Steve Buttell

2nd Hour
Let’s Bring Back the 60’s – Jack Schauer
One Hit Wonder – Tony Wentersdorf
My Child – Kim & Steve Wolff
Call In Rich – Mike Rudquist
Americans – Bob Muscovitz
Single Mom’s Blues – Dennis Cooke (Demo)
Love & Devotion – Dave Birk
Sarah by the Sea – Jack Schauer
There Are No Secrets in This Town – David Hanners
The Folks Back Home– Larry Suess
The Tomato Song – Tim Cheesebrow
Agree to Disagree – Leslee McKee with John Lyell
Thankful – Mark Grim
Great Time – Debra Hadraba
Rebound Love – Roger Sweet with Chan Poling


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