Minnesota Homebrew Music Show – July 11, 2013

by GlenBraget on October 1, 2013


Host, Carl Unbehaun, presents a cavalcade of songs by Minnesota songwriters along with his musical musings! First draw from the music vat: “She’s Everywhere I Am” by new country artist, Shane Martin.

Hour One Playlist

Shane Martin- She’s Everywhere I Am
Barb Ryman- Catch the Sunset
Adam Hammer- Scars for Diamonds
Steve Kaul- Shorty George
Donna Dahl- Out to Storm (So Many Visions)
Kevin Bowen- Celebrate Rebirth
Carl Unbehaun- Starving
Mike Rudquist- Call In Rich
Amy & Adams- Gone, Not Forgotten
Dale Menten- Fool Me Twice
Bob Dylan- One Too Many Mornings
Bob Muscovitz- Love is a Candle
Richard Schletty- Views of a Lonely Man

Hour Two Playlist

Michael Loonan- Colorful Day
Opposable Thumbs- My Surprise
Jessy Greene- Blown Sky High
GB Leighton- Pickle Park
Sonny Johnson- Dead Flowers Inn
Ericksons- Dirty Dishes
Carl Unbehaun- Squaresville
Nigel Egg- The Big Bang Baby Boom
Jeff Goodson- Kiss Me Crazy
Wayne Hamilton- The Qualified Reciprocation Blues
Dave Birk- Country Music 101


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