Minnesota Homebrew Music Show – December 13, 2012

by GlenBraget on September 30, 2013


Host, Carl Unbehaun, presents a cavalcade of songs by Minnesota songwriters along with his musical musings! “The Heart is a Lonely Weapon” leads off this evening’s lineup

Hour One Setlist

Mark Mallman- Heart is a Loaded Weapon
Dave Carpenter and Friends- Little Country Town
Laurie Akermark with Michael McElrath- Cattails of Rum River Creek
Hattie Peterson- Fossil Fears
Andrew Spreck- Falling Again
Cole Randall- Under the Sun
Michael Monroe- Again and Again
Patty Wood- Lord, Help Me Make It
Rod Kinny- Infinite Love
David Stoddard- Abraham Lincoln
Bob Muscovitz- And They Knew What to Do
Jill Holly- Mama’s Got to Have Some
Nicholas David Mrozinski- How Many Times?
Carl Unbehaun- Toy with my Heart

Hour Two Setlist

Alison Scott- Almost
Nigel Egg- Big Bang Baby Boom
Mason Jennings- Moon Sailing on the Water
John Lyell & Leslee McKee- Start Again
Debra Hadraba- Time on Fire
Christopher Ray- Peekaboo Patty Cake
Big Ditch Road- Every Shuffle Beat Lays Unemployed
9Tomorrows- Slip On By
Ron Long- The Feeling
Carl Franzen- Little Thoughts
Mike Rudquist- Sad Song Playing on the Radio
Michael Riddle- Glenwood Lakeside Ballroom Saturday Night
John Bennett- Who’s That Knocking
Paul Spring- Jackson Pollock


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