Minnesota HomeBrew Music Show 10/09/14

by GlenBraget on October 15, 2014


Host, Carl Unbehaun, presents a cavalcade of songs by Minnesota songwriters along with his musical musings! No, you’re not hearing double–we’re playing double tracks of our favorite MN-based artists. Double the fun on MHB!

Hour 1

Easy Time – Dave Cofell
No Substitute for You – Dave Cofell
Little Bird – Anna Marie Mitchell
A Little Like This – Anna Marie Mitchell
Going to the County Fair – WoodPicks
Barn Again – WoodPicks
Super Bass – Elle Pollock
Honey, I’m Back From the War – Elle Pollock
Just a Kid – Bob Muscovitz
Where Are We Going – Bob Muscovitz
Smoking Horse – Tarveys
Learn by Heart – Tarveys
Changing Colors – Arlo Cristofaro
The Space Inside My Mind – Arlo Cristofaro
Reality TV – David Stoddard
Good Fences – David Stoddard
The Current – Fizz Kizer
It Only Rains When She’s Gone – Fizz Kizer

Hour 2

Simplify – Doug Millaway
Superheroes – Doug Millaway
Minnesota Goodbye – Wrong Omar
3’s Enough – Wrong Omar
Starshine – Adam Hammer
Cottonwood Waltz – Adam Hammer
Don’t Be Dumb – Kaptain Karl
Nothing Strange – Kaptain Karl
The Magician’s Daughter – Patsy O’Brien
Like Rain – Patsy O’Brien
Keep It Rockin’ – Barbara Jean
Lost Heart – Barbara Jean
Whatever Makes You Happy – Paul Westerberg
Only Lie Worth Telling – Paul Westerberg


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