Minnesota HomeBrew Music Show 03/10/16

by GlenBraget on March 15, 2016


Host, Carl Unbehaun, presents a cavalcade of songs by Minnesota songwriters along with his musical musings! Celebrating the uniquely talented members of the Minnesota Association of Songwriters and featuring a new instate artist, Todd Sisson, and TWO new outstate artists, Rickey Stage & Josh Harty. There’s so much talent out there. And we report on what beer leads the world in sales by volume–and it’s not from the USA!

Minnesota HomeBrew 03/10/2016
01 Coffee Tasted Better When You Were Here – Ann Reed
02 Thank You – Lisa DeGuiseppe
03 Montana Lady – Dale Menten
04 Get After It – Rickey Stage (NEW)
05 Rebecca – Chris Laumb
06 You Can’t Sing the Blues With an English Accent – Nigel Egg
07 Hide and Seek – Holly Henry
08 Holding On – Josh Harty (OUTSTATE)
09 Heavy Heart – Kari Arnett
10 Love You in the Morning – Todd Sisson (NEW)
11 Jealousy Lake – Trevor Marty
12 RX – Soft Light


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