Premiere ’72: The making of “It Ain’t Easy”
In 1972, the news that a professional film crew would put Thief River Falls, Minnesota, some of its residents, and its chief export – the Arctic Cat Snowmobile – on the big screen, captured the imagination of the town. In the weeks leading up to the premiere, the TRF Times printed articles and photos of the movie’s stars, including Lance Hendrickson, who would later star in the “Terminator” films. The movie’s theme song, written by Dale Menten of the Twin Cities, was heard often on KTRF-AM. “It Ain’t Easy” was reported at the time to be the first feature film made completely in Minnesota. Aspiring filmmaker Maury Hurley wrote and directed the film. He would go on to write screenplays for “Miami Vice” and “Star Trek The Next Generation.” Pioneer 90.1’s production of “Premiere ’72” was made possible by the MN Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.