Pioneer 90.1 Weekly Arts Calendar – NW Minnesota and Beyond! 9-14 through 9-17

“Weekly Arts Calendar”
Thursday, September 14th through Sunday, September 17th
SATURDAY, 16th & SUNDAY, 17th The Greater East Grand Forks-Grand Forks Community Theater presents “The Charitable Sisterhood of the Second Trinity Divinity Church.” Performance times at the Fire Hall Theater in downtown Grand Forks are Saturday night at 7:30, with a Sunday matinee at 2 pm.
SATURDAY, 16th The Badger Fall Fest in Badger, Minnesota. City Wide Events all day long, to include a breakfast, parade at11am, food and games and craft vendors.
SATURDAY, 16th The Minnesota Museum of American Art in St. Paul presents “We the People.” Admission is free and open to the public from 10 am to 6pm.
SATURDAY, 16th The Greater Twin Cities YMCA presents “The Prairie Burn Music Festival” at Camp St. Croix in Hudson, Wisconsin.
SATURDAY, 16th The “Wild Rice Festival” in Roseville, MN from 10 am to 4 pm. The event includes demonstrations of the methods used to harvest wild rice.
MONDAY, 18th The University of Minnesota – Crookston Campus – presents “Music on Monday’s” with featured performer Haley Klinkhammer.
SUNDAY, 24th The Greater Grand Forks Symphony Orchestra kicks off the 2017-2018 season with a performance called “America the Beautiful” featuring music by Copland, Barber and Hanson. Guest performer is Ilan Morgenstern on the Bass Trombone. Tickets available at 746-5500.
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