Pioneer 90.1 Weekly Arts Calendar August 6th through August 10th 2014

by GlenBraget on August 8, 2014

Arts Calendar

Moose Fest” in Karlstad, Minnesota runs Friday, August 8th through Sunday, August 10th. The “Johnson Strings” perform Friday night at 6:30. Saturday’s events include a parade at 10:30, free “mule cart” rides, children’s games, crafters, car show, the “Johnson Strings” performing at 5pm and a youth dance Saturday evening at the Moose Park, in Karlstad for “Moose Fest”.

• Oklee, Minnesota’s “Market Day” is Saturday, August 9th. Events include a quilt show, crafts, car and tractor show, the “Woodpicks” will perform on stage at 6:30 along with the group “Idlewheel.”

• “Viking Good Old Days” are coming up on August 15th, 16th and 17th in Viking, Minnesota. Events include a parade, outdoor movie and a volunteer fire department supper.

• The “Artist Unlimited Art Show” is on display at the Kittson County Museum in Lake Bronson, Minnesota through August.

• The musical “Spring Awakening” continues this weekend at the Empire Arts Center of downtown Grand Forks – Friday, August 8thst and Saturday, August 9th. Curtain time each evening is 7:30 pm.

• The Arts Partnership of Moorhead/Fargo is sponsoring the second annual downtown “Chalk Fest”, on Monday, August 11th from 2 until 7:30 pm at Island Park in Fargo. This event provides food, music, and art for all ages.

• The stage musical “Tarzan”, based on Disney’s epic musical adventure, is being performed at “The Stage” at Island Park in Fargo – Friday, August 8th through Sunday, August 10th.

• “Heritage Days” is coming up in East Grand Forks, August 14th, 15th and 16th.

• And “Ox Cart Days” are coming up in Crookston, Wednesday, August 13th through Saturday, August 16th.


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