Rasslin Memories Then and Now: The Hammer Beverly Shade (7/14/19)

Rasslin' Memories and More by GlenBraget on July 13, 2019

Glen Braget and the Grizzled Vet Mike McCurdy welcome former ladies professional wrestler Beverly Shade to the program to share some of her Rasslin Memories. Shade, a recent inductee into the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame in Witchita Falls, Texas, talks about a variety of topic pertaining to her life in pro wrestling including:

-Getting Inducted in the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame in Wichita Falls, TX

-How being persistent with legendary former NWA President Sam Muchnick got her foot in the door of the pro wrestling

-Training under Cowboy Luttrell and getting her career started in Flordia

-working and traveling the territories in the 60s and 70’s

-Meeting her Husband

-Working for Nick Gulas

-Dealing with Fabulous Moolah

-Promoting Outlaw Pro Wrestling shows in Florida with her husband and dealing with Florida promoter Eddie Graham

-Her thoughts on Today’s Women’s Wrestling


Campbell Corner: Play-Dough Party and Lord of the Rings Jeopardy! (7/10/19)

Community Voices by GlenBraget on July 12, 2019

The Campbell Public Library of East Grand Forks has scheduled numerous family and cultural events in the coming weeks. Among them a Play-dough experience for patrons and live “Lord of the Rings Jeopardy.” Campbell Director Charlotte Helgeson shares the details!

Minnesota HomeBrew Music Show: MN Association of Songwriters (7/4/19)

Minnesota Homebrew by GlenBraget on July 12, 2019

Our monthly nod to the Minnesota Association of Songwriters, from Colleen Dillon to Steve Wolff to Chad Shank. Enjoy!

Warroad Summer Theater: “Tarzan the Musical” (7/9/19)

Artist Spotlight by GlenBraget on July 12, 2019

The Warroad Summer Theater presents “Tarzan – The Musical” in
Warroad, MN. Artistic Director Bonnie Nordvall spills the beans on
what is on stage and how it all comes together for summer fun for the
entire family!

Rasslin Memories Then and Now: Derek Drexl (7/7/19)

Rasslin' Memories and More by GlenBraget on July 12, 2019

Glen Braget and the Grizzled Vet Mike McCurdy chat with Derek Drexl, quite possibly one of their most unorthodox guests ever on the program. Drexl shares his pro wrestling story of breaking in up in the Pacific Northwest, training with Portland Wrestling legends, developing his persona, working in various promtions in the PNW as well as Florida with Kevin Sullivan and Steve Keirn and a very interesting story about wrestling in Paraguay.

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