Rasslin Memories Then and Now: The Hammer Beverly Shade (7/14/19)

Glen Braget and the Grizzled Vet Mike McCurdy welcome former ladies professional wrestler Beverly Shade to the program to share some of her Rasslin Memories. Shade, a recent inductee into the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame in Witchita Falls, Texas, talks about a variety of topic pertaining to her life in pro wrestling including:
-Getting Inducted in the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame in Wichita Falls, TX
-How being persistent with legendary former NWA President Sam Muchnick got her foot in the door of the pro wrestling
-Training under Cowboy Luttrell and getting her career started in Flordia
-working and traveling the territories in the 60s and 70’s
-Meeting her Husband
-Working for Nick Gulas
-Dealing with Fabulous Moolah
-Promoting Outlaw Pro Wrestling shows in Florida with her husband and dealing with Florida promoter Eddie Graham
-Her thoughts on Today’s Women’s Wrestling