NorthWest Minnesota Arts Council Interview from 3-14-17

Area News and Events,MN Arts and Culture Interviews,Northwest MN Arts Council by GlenBraget on March 16, 2017

Guest Tom Pearce, manager of the Inner Mongolian musical group “Anda Union”, shares his insights as it pertains to the groups educational tour of northwest Minnesota schools.” Anda Union will also perform a public concert, at the Lincoln High School Auditorium on Saturday, March 18th at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $5.00 and everyone is welcome to attend!

The NW Minnesota Prairie Photography of Loren Younggren – Kittson County 02/04/14

MN Arts and Culture Interviews by GlenBraget on February 13, 2014


Loren Younggren is a veteran photographer in Kittson County, MN. His work depicts the many scenes and season of northwest Minnesota. Younggren talks about his life-long passion, an upcoming display at the “RiverWalk Artists Gallery and Shop” in East Grand Forks, MN and the support that he’s has received through the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council.

Jazz Singer Thomasina Petrus of Minneapolis 02/05/14

MN Arts and Culture Interviews,Pioneer by GlenBraget on February 13, 2014


Thomasina Petrus recently appeared on the East Grand Forks campus of NCTC, as part of Black History Month. She is a member of the Mixed Blood Theater of Minneapolis and presents “Daughters of Africa” on a regional tour of towns and college campuses.
“Daughters of Africa” is a music-driven history of African American women from slave ship survivors to stars of the silver screen. The forty-five minute performance vividly commemorates both the famous and the overlooked and is an eye-opening celebration of the triumph of pride, determination, and courage.
Thomasina talked with Ron West on Pioneer 90.1’s “Northland Spotlight”, about her career, the influences in her work and a new CD that she has produced saluting the late Billie Holiday.

Pioneer 90.1’s Glen Braget interviews Dillon Jones of Love Out Loud

Best of Braget,MN Arts and Culture Interviews,Pioneer by GlenBraget on August 22, 2013

Glen Braget interviews Dillon Jones from the band Love Out Loud. Love Out Loud is a pop/rock band formed in 2009 as an electro side project and quickly formed into a full time job for five friends out of Minneapolis, MN. Love Out Loud has quickly established a name for themselves in the first year as a group. With the success of there last EP “A Story Worth Telling”, Love Out Loud sold 4000 copies in the first 6 months as an independent band.

Local communities featured in book on Minnesota’s smallest towns

featured,MN Arts and Culture Interviews by markjohnson on February 9, 2012

Little_MN_Podcast.mp3Donaldson, Goodridge, Gully, Halma, Holt, Strandquist, Strathcona, Trail and Viking are among the 100 communities profiled in “Little MN: A Nostalgic Look at Minnesota’s Smallest Towns.”

Author Jill A. Johnson spent four years traveling the state to collect stories and photos for the book.

Copies are available at Northern Lights Bookstore in Thief River Falls, and at the Thief River Falls Public Library.

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