Rasslin Memories Online with Special Guest Billy Jack Haynes June 26, 2015

by GlenBraget on June 26, 2015

Glen Braget sits down with former pro wrestler Billy Jack Haynes to discuss what has been going on regarding a class action federal lawsuit he filed against World Wrestling Entertainment alleging the company fails to protect and educate its wrestlers on the dangers of serious head trauma, an issue that has also been a hot button issue in the NFL and NHL in recent years. Billy also discusses some of the health setbacks he’s endured through the years from working in the business. Hear Billy Jack Haynes side of the story on this fascinating edition of Rasslin Memories online.


  1. Chris Multerer — June 27, 2015 @ 1:06 am

    As a former “jobber” for twenty-five years, I was well aware of the
    risk of injury, associated with professional wrestling. Anyone with half a brain
    new the possibility of broken bones, torn muscles, and concussions, could happen
    each time we stepped in the ring. Each time we “bladed”, we know that we could
    contract a blood borne disease e.i. Hepatitis C, down the road.
    For Haynes to blame the WWF for not educating wrestlers of the dangers associated
    with the nature of the business is bullshit and utterly ridiculous. Just another ex-athlete
    trying make excuses and capitalize on a multi-million dollar company.
    I would love to return as a guest with Glen and George, and state my case.

  2. GlenBraget — June 27, 2015 @ 9:54 am

    We would love to have you back on the program to discuss this and other topics. I’m very open to hearing more than one side to this story. Get in touch with me on Facebook or email me at glen.braget@northlandcollege.edu. Let’s definitely do this as soon as we can. Thank you for getting back in touch via this message.

  3. Ton — July 21, 2015 @ 4:12 pm

    Thank you for this interesting interview. Billy Jack Haynes was a favorite of mine back in the old school days of professional wrestling. Sadly the years does not seems to have treated him well and he sounds like he has lost a few cards out of his deck.

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